New Student Login

This is a secure form that uses encryption technology, which ensures that your information cannot be read until it reaches us.

Full Legal Name (as it appears on your passport, if applicable)
First/Given Name *
Middle Name
Last/Family Name *
Name Suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III)
List any and all previous name(s).
Preferred First Name
Are you an employee of the IIRP, Community Service Foundation or Buxmont Academy? *
Are you a US Citizen? *
Are you a US Permanent Resident?
Country of Citizenship
Country of Residence *
Street Address 1 *
Street Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number *
Text Message Preference? *
Alternative Phone Number for Text Messages *
Email Address * - Please use your personal email address to ensure confidentiality.
Re-type E-mail Address to verify *
Password *
Passwords should be at least 8 characters long and include:
  • a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters (at least 1 of each)
  • at least 1 numeric digit
  • at least 1 non-alphanumeric character (e.g., !, $, #, @)
Re-Type Password *

Please remember the below security questions and answers as you would need them in case you forgot your password.

Security Question 1 *
Security Answer 1 *
Security Question 2 *
Security Answer 2 *
Security Question 3 *
Security Answer 3 *

This is a secure form that uses encryption technology, which ensures that your information cannot be read until it reaches us.

Social Security Number (if issued)
-- (nnn-nn-nnnn)
Birthdate *
// (mm/dd/yyyy)
Emergency Contact
Telephone  (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
I became acquainted with the IIRP Graduate School through (check all that apply): *
Email/IIRP News
Social Media
Search Engine — Please specify:
IIRP Podcast
IIRP Continuing Education Event
IIRP World Conference or Symposium
Referral - Current Student or Alum
Referral - IIRP Employee
News/Media Mention
Other — Please specify:
How familiar are you with restorative practices?
Very familiar
Slightly familiar
Not familiar
Which of the following best matches your occupation?
School Counselor
School Administrator
Human or Social Services Professional
Criminal Justice Professional
Lawyer/Legal Work
Conflict Resolution
Pastoral Work
Executive Leadership
Name of Employer
Highest degree earned? *

Please note: If you intend to request an official transcript or Graduate Certificate, you must submit documentation verifying your bachelor's degree. U.S. students will need an official transcript sent directly from an accredited U.S. institution. If you are unsure about your degree-granting institution's accreditation status, please search for your institution at the U.S. Department of Education website.

Non-U.S. students will need an official NACES credential evaluation.

Do you have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. institution? *

 I verify that I will request an official transcript be submitted from the awarding institution to the IIRP. *
Official paper transcripts should be sent to:

IIRP Graduate School
531 Main Street
Bethlehem, PA  18018
Electronic transcripts should be sent to: 

Please note, should you continue with the full application for admission, official transcripts from all institutions attended will be required.
Was your undergraduate degree awarded outside of the U.S.?
Students whose undergraduate degrees were earned outside of the U.S. need official NACES credential evaluation be submitted to the IIRP Graduate School.
Please contact Student Services to discuss your academic qualifications.
The IIRP does not discriminate in its policies, practices and procedures but is required to submit statistical data on the composition of its student body to the United States government. This information will not be used for admission purposes.
Male I prefer to self-identify.
Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (check all that apply)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
By checking this box, I:
  1. confirm that the above information is correct and complete.
  2. acknowledge that I am aware that the Academic Catalog and the Student Handbook are available here and contains policies and procedures, such as safety and security, grievances, academic records and appealing an instructor's evaluation of student work.
  3. acknowledge that I am aware that statistics regarding crimes on the IIRP campus can be found on the Safety and Security page here.
  4. understand that the Student Portal is created for the exclusive use of a specific, individual student and that accessing the Student Portal of another person is in violation of the Academic Integrity policy. I attest that I, the person creating this Student Portal, will be the only one to use it.
  5. understand that I will receive marketing communications from the IIRP, from which I may choose to opt out in the future.
Your Interests

Please select the areas of interest for which you would like to receive email from us.

Contact Student Services

Office hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (U.S. Eastern)