Happy New Year!

Moodle FAQ

Q: What is Moodle?
Moodle is a learning management system (LMS) that the IIRP uses to distribute course materials and expand the learning environment beyond the classroom through tools like discussion forums.

Q: What do I need to use Moodle?
Moodle is compatible with any standards-compliant web browser, including:

  • Desktop:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari (8.0 or later)
    • Edge
  • Mobile:
    • Safari
    • Chrome

For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date. Check your current browser version at https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/.

Q: Something isn’t working! What should I do?
If you are experiencing an issue with Moodle, please try these steps:

  • Update your browser.
  • Clear your browser's cache.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Use a different browser and/or a different computer.

If none of these resolve the problem, please email StudentTechHelp@iirp.edu, which is staffed Mondays through Fridays, 8:00-4:30 U.S. Eastern, excluding holidays.

Q: How do I download the mobile app for Moodle?
Download the mobile app for Moodle here. The school address is "online.iirp.edu".

Q: How do I get to IIRP's Moodle?
There are two correct answers.
  1. Log into your student portal (https://student.iirp.edu/) and click on the Moodle link once you are logged in.
  2. OR
  3. Go directly to IIRPs Moodle login page found at: https://online.iirp.edu/

Q: What is my username for Moodle?
A: It is the email address you use to sign in to your IIRP student portal.

Q: What is my password for Moodle?
: It is the same password that you use to log in to your IIRP student portal.

Q: Where can I get my password for Moodle? I forgot it.
Go to the student portal (https://student.iirp.edu/), click the "Forgot your password?" link, and follow the instructions there.

Q: What do I need to view files that end with .pdf?
Download Adobe Reader from Adobe at http://get.adobe.com/reader/.

Q: Why did my post for a forum disappear when I went to submit it?
Most likely you took more than half an hour to write your post. Moodle logs you off thinking you've gone out to lunch or are taking a nap if nothing is saved or posted within half an hour. If you are working on a post that may take longer than 30 minutes to write, we suggest that you use a word processor and then copy and paste the text into the assignment or forum edit box.

Q: What if I don't see my course in Moodle?
: If it is earlier than 4 weeks before the start of the course, you will not have access to that course through Moodle. If that is not the case, please contact Student Services at (610) 807-9221 or studentservices@iirp.edu for support.

You will be able to access your courses until 6 months after you complete your program. Should you withdraw from your program, you will no longer be able to access any of your courses.


Contact Student Services

Office hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (U.S. Eastern)